7 Films That Will Teach You The Basics Of Product Management

Product Stories & Observations
5 min readApr 19, 2016

I recently looked at a product management reading list via a post on LinkedIn and was struck by the sheer number of titles on the post. I stopped counting after 30! With a full-time job and a family, there is no way I’m going to read even 10% of that list. Assuming I’m not alone in this so here is my alternative: a product management watching list (many of these you can watch with other people too)

Movie Posters

1. You need a strong repeatable vision: “The Pride and the Passion”

The importance of a simple vision and the necessity to personally advocate for this nearly all the time is really important. It is the latter bit that trips people up, a great vision is not enough on its own, people need to know about it and be reminded about it all the time.

Vision Summary: Avila!

If you have not seen it: Frank Sinatra persuades a group of Spanish partisans from Galicia to drag a massive cannon halfway across Spain to blow a hole in the walls of the city called Avila (captured by Napoleon). Along the way, there is plenty of danger from Napoleonic troops and physical obstacles to overcome. The key piece is that more and more people join the ‘army’ moving the gun, all inspired by the one simple mission that the leader (Frank Sinatra) repeats at every opportunity: Get the gun to Avilla

2. It is going to be hard work: “The greatest show on earth”

Another long one, but at its core it’s about delivery. It does not matter how good your idea is if it’s not in front of customers it is not making a difference. And under no circumstances underestimate the challenges that might get in your way.

If you have not seen it: It’s a long movie with a massive ensemble cast. But is short it is a traveling circus full of egos. But they all work together to make sure that despite trains blowing up, tents burning down and the discovery of a criminal in their midst the show goes on.

3. There will be some crazy along the way: “Apocalypse Now”

Building a great product (or anything) is a journey and there can be a lot of crazy on the way. Apocalypse Now has crazy by the bucket load, but if things are tough at work have a read, or better watch a documentary about how this film got made and reflect on the obstacles you face. I particularly remember the story where with everything set for a massive battle scene the director sees all the helicopters suddenly heading the other way — called back by the military to deal with some pressing security issue. Ever had a timeline trashed by an issue on the live site!

If you have not seen it: … who has not seen this film!

4. Focus on detail: “Pacific Rim”

A surprise for me, assumed it was the usual action junk but it stands out because of it’s about attention to detail. Turns out the film is by Guillermo del Toro, regardless of what you think about his films he is all about detail: sets, graphics, visuals, and character backstories! It is also about the importance of working together to solve complex problems which in the product world means working in partnership with engineering.

If you have not seen it: It is about giant robots that are so complex two people have to operate them in sync. The robots fight massive alien monsters and there is a lead character who believes in the vision (of giant robots as the defenders of the planet) even when the man upstairs is trying to shut him down.

5. Be careful, not everyone is on your side: “Cassandra crossing”

You can’t always trust people, this is sad but true. So you need to make your own mind up.

If you haven’t seen it: There is a robbery at a chemical weapons lab in Switzerland, the robbers escape on a trans European express train and infect all the passengers. On board, the train is a doctor struggling to save the infected passengers. Back at base, there is an evil general who just needs the train to disappear with all its passengers so no one knows what happened. Luckily the doctor does not trust the orders and manages to save most of the passengers just before the train plunges to oblivion at the Cassandra crossing.

6. Work as a team: “BMX bandits”

Work as a team to beat the boss. Sometimes it is very useful to create an enemy: A competitor to win against, a bad habit we want our customers to beat.

If you have not seen it: It’s a BMX bike gang who defeat a landlord trying to build over the BMX park. Teamwork is king.

7. A life Lived In Fear Is a Life Half Lived: “Strictly Ballroom”

So much good stuff in there that I think is useful whenever a crossroads is reached and a decision needs making. A product managers value is their ability to make the right call. Sure you use data and customer feedback and research, but rarely does the data alone tell you what needs to be done, and even if it does it might not be what others think you need to do. At this point, you need to be brave make the call and stand by it. And you might also need to be even braver later and walk the decision back in the face of evidence that your call was wrong. So don’t be afraid to dance your own steps because a life lived in fear is a life half lived!

If you haven’t seen it: In order to win the national dance competition the lead character has to fight corruption and trust their own judgment. In the end, they make the right call and everyone is dancing.

…Obviously, there are many these are also some of my favorite films so I certainly have ‘faked’ some of them in but I think that is another key product skill knowing when a bit of fakery is alright if it gets the main point across and makes you smile!



Product Stories & Observations

Product management, scaling teams, product design processes, collaboration, team culture, empathy, research, story telling plus a little luck and magic